Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Management through Histrionics

After a friend of mine sent me the following link - Top 10 Coach Rants, I began to think about similar behaviors in the corporate environment.

According to Merriam-Webster.
histrionics -
1 : theatrical performances
2 : deliberate display of emotion for effect

I have witnessed a style in management over the past few years that I don't like very much (although I am sure that I have been guilty of it). I call it 'Management through Histrionics'. Here are some behaviors of individuals that manage in such a fashion (you may know the type).
Tendencies toward:
  • Communicating in such a way that everything is an emergency.
  • Communicating vociferously, so that everybody knows that they are on top of the emergency.
  • Asking 'pertinent' (obvious) questions so that everybody knows that they fully understand the emergency.
  • Deflecting any responsibility for the emergency.
There may be times when histrionics are warranted, such as in a motivational setting. However, you walk a fine line between being a motivator and being disingenuous. Remember what Samuel Goldwyn was reputed to have said - The key is sincerity, and once you learn to fake that, you’ve got it made!

Like I said, I am sure that I have been guilty of the behavior, I just hope that going forward I can identify the onset and avoid it.

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